Using Special Characters In Facebook Status


Facebook is fun, isn't it? I would go for yes. Well now facebook is now supporting special characters. Using special character is kinda trick. You can either use them by copying and and pasting or you can simply hold you ALT key + a number key to use them. Here's an example.
Eg. ALT+3 = ♥.
 But make sure that you're using your numpad but not those numbers keys above alphabetic characters.
Here is the complete list of special characters.
Alt + 1 ☺
Alt + 2 ☻
Alt + 3 ♥
Alt + 4 ♦
Alt + 5 ♣
Alt + 6 ♠
Alt + 7 •
Alt + 8 ◘
Alt + 9 ○
Alt + 10 ◙
Alt + 11 ♂
Alt + 12 ♀
Alt + 13 ♪
Alt + 14 ♫
Alt + 15 ☼
Alt + 16 ►
Alt + 17 ◄
Alt + 18 ↕
Alt + 19 ‼
Alt + 20 ¶
Alt + 21 §
Alt + 22 ▬
Alt + 23 ↨
Alt + 24 ↑
Alt + 25 ↓
Alt + 26 →
Alt + 27 ←
Alt + 28 ∟
Alt + 29 ↔
Alt + 30 ▲
Alt + 31 ▼

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